Sample Debut Program Script For Emcee
Posted : admin On 6/7/2019- Sample Debut Program Script For Emcee
- Sample Debut Program Script For Emcee
- Sample Debut Program Script For Emcee Pdf
Emcee Script. Before we get to our first event listed in the program, we want to start things off with a little skit performed by the officers of the Asian Students Association. Give them a big round of applause. Quizlet Live. Quizlet Learn.
Sample Debut Program Script For Emcee
Sample Debut Program Script For Emcee
- Guests arrive
- Welcoming of guests
- Ushering of guests by ushers to their designated seats
- Cocktails for guests to mingle (so that they would not mingle once the program starts, and to give you ample time to prepare before your grand entrance). - After everyone has settled in their place, the host will make mention of important people who graced the occasion (if there are). - At this point, cocktails are being served.
- Audio-visual presentation of debutante from infancy to present. - GRAND ENTRANCE of debutante
- Parents talk about debutante (brief summary)- achievement, goals, ambitions, etc. - Toast in honor of the debutante
- Debutante speech
- Prayer
- Dining
- AVP of well-wishers
- Father and daughter dance (This may also be incorporated into the eighteen roses. Fathers are usually the first or last dance of the debutante) - Eighteen roses (speech/dance)
- Eighteen candles (speech)
- Singing of birthday song
- Cutting of birthday cake
- Games
- Introduction of the debutante, her escort and her cotillion court - GRAND COTILLION WALTZ DANCE
- Debutante’s thank you speech
- Party time
Debut Program Flow
1. Registration/Arrival of Guests/Receiving of gifts/Cocktails. 2. Settling of guests on their seats
3. Introduction by the emcee
4. Acknowledgment of the Parents and other VIPs
5. Introduction and entrance of the grand cotillion
6. GRAND ENTRANCE OF THE DEBUTANTE (and her escort optional) 7. Welcome remarks and toast by the Parents
8. AVP of debutante (pictures from infancy to present)
9. Grand cotillion
10. Invocation/Prayer before Meal
11. Dinner and pictorials
12. AVP of well-wishers
13. 18 ROSES
15. 18 CANDLES
16. Singing of birthday song, blowing of 18 CANDLES and cutting of birthday cake 17. GAMES
18. DEBUTANTE’s thank you speech
19. PARTY/Everybody on the dance floor
Sample Debut Program Script For Emcee Pdf
Script for debut. Script for debut. Milet Llamosa. Download with Google Download with Facebook or download with email. Script for debut. We will now continue with our program Emcee: The 18 roses signify the debutante’s coming of age. We have now come to the part of our program that the guys have been. Oct 9, 2017 - PROGRAM EMCEE: Good evening to all of us. Welcome to Makati Old Swiss Inn Hotel. Welcome to the MUCH-ANTICIPATED AND MOST.
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Revo: Welcome to the HI !art' of our charming de#utant $ho $h o is no no$ $ tu turrni ning ng in into to a %ne lad ad' '. &hi his s is 'u 'uie iett a ve ver' r' im!ortant event in her life and she is ver' much honor for 'our !resence.
Eve: &hat(s right) r ight) *i+e Wend' Wend' in the movie eter an, an, no more fair' tale stories ever' night. She is no$ a real lad' as she ste!!ed onto the much higher level of $hat $e call *IFE. We(ll We(ll #e 'our host for this lovel' evening m' name is Eve -agdag,
Revo: and I am Esteve -agdag. *adies and gentlemen, sit #ac+ as $e groove, ive and eno' her !art' for tonight/
Revo: 2ut #efore $e formall' #egin our !rogram, $e invite ever'one to !lease stand and oin us in !ra'er to #e lead #' 3iss 4C 3an5on.
0ra'er6Ate 4C1
Eve: &han+ 'ou so much 3iss 4C. 0!ause1 So, #ago ta'o magtungo sa susunod nating !rogram, $ho is Christine in the real sense of $ord7 8f course aside from #eing a +ind and res!onsi#le daughter, friend or classmate ma'#e, there are things that na hindi natin alam a#out her. *et(s %nd out as $e randoml'
'uestions to some of our im!ortant guests here7 So $hat do 'ou thin+ !artner7 Hana! na ta'o na !$edeng matanungan.
0Hosts $ill ste! do$n from the stage and $ill loo+ for guests to 'uestion1
9 9 9 .
ossi#le 'uestions: In one $ord, ho$ can 'ou descri#e Christine7 Who is Christine(s cele#rit' crush7 What is her favorite movie7 Wh' do 'ou thin+ it(s her favorite7 What is her favorite dessert7 0After 'uestions $ith the guests, hosts $ill go to the de#utante(s famil' mem#ers1
9 Wh' do 'ou name her Christine7 9 What age do 'ou $ant her to get married7 9 What is her !referred !osition $hen she is slee!ing7 I&R8-;C&I8 8F &HE -E2;&A&E Revo: 8+a'. o$ $e learned a lot a#out Christine, !ero mama'a ma' !art t$o !a ta'o ng 'uestions and ans$er !ortion natin.
Eve: &ama +a d'an Esteve, !ero di magiging +um!leto ang !rogram na ito +ung $ala ang de#utante natin) So !artner7 0susunduin ni Revo 'ung de#utante1 0ote: First song to #e !la'ed is
father 3r. 3ara, #ut #efore that, a message !o muna to 'our #eloved daughter. 0Father and daughter dance1 Eve: 3r. 3ara, Christine(s loving father $ill #e follo$ed #' her gentle #achelors $ho $ill oDer her roses that s'm#oli5es love. *ove $here Christine has for her famil' and all the !eo!le in her life. Each #achelor !o a' mag#i#iga' ng +anilang short message and $ishes and after that, the' $ill give Christine a rose and $ill dance $ith her for a#out B or t$o minutes $ith the #ac+ground music dedicated to the de#utante/ let us start $ith/
B. . 2rother . 4u'a 3o+s . incent . onerto J. Gerald K. RaD' . ?ess L. Rho' BM. Gil#ert
BB. Christo!her B. 3ar+ B. Esteve B. 2r'an E>i'uel B. ?ohn ?elo BJ. ?a'el BK. Re'#ert B. Aldreen 6Fr. *auro N &ito 8nie
Eve: Wonderful dance. 3araming salamat sa lahat ng ating mga #achelors. And no$, $e have our s!ecial !erformance coming from Immaculate Choir(s ver' o$n acoustic duo. lease $elcome, Esteve and Christo!her.
0S!ecial live !erformance1
Eve: &han+ 'ou so much, gu's. 3esmeri5ing !erformance.
-IER E3CEE: Sorr' for the intrusion in the continuous o$ of our cele#ration #ut I $ould li+e to announce that $e $ill have our dinner this time. After the dinner, the famil' $ould li+e to re'uest ever'#od' to !lease remain for a $hile for the continuation of our !rogram. &han+ 'ou.
0dinner mode $ith A !resentation1
B RE&R8 WISHES E3CEE: 8nce again, a sum!tuous evening to one and all) It is m' delight that 'ou remain and let us reoice for that.
And to re!resent C'rill(s Circle of Im!ortant eo!le of her *ife, let us $elcome the follo$ing !ersons $ho $ill share their $ishes and oDer Ring of Enlightenment $hich s'm#oli5es friendshi! $hich #inds t$o !ersons together, and the diDerent colors of light from the ring re!resents all as!ects of hardshi! and o' to ma+e them closer together. 8f course these !eo!le $ill #e the ones $ho $ill give her advices and +ind $ords along the $a' on ho$ to #ecome a !erfect $oman. 2ut I $ant to clarif' that #efore the' sa' their $ish for C'rill, a' ma' sor!resa ta'ong i!a!aga$a sa +anila, anu !o +a'a 'un7 @ 4ailangan nilang isu#o at ngu'ain ang +ending +inahiligan ng ating de#utante/. Ang OA4EE 2;2*E G;3. *et us call in the %rst grou!: 9 3rs. 3ari#eth 2altero 9 3s. Helen illado 9 3rs. anc' Samaniego 9 3rs. elina Higanto 9 3rs. 3elinda *o5ano 0C'rill(s Advisers and mentors since Grade school u! to High School in *a Consolacion College62inan1 9 Cherie -ee *eal 9 oelle 2uenaventura 0C'rill(s close friends from 3a!ua, also called as *ad' Gaga(s1 9 Aren &an 9 E!hraim Gatmaitan
9 ?amella Calica 9 4aren Oasis 0C'rill(s classmates in college, her close friends, in 3a!ua Institute of &echnolog', her co6course friends as $ell, also ta+ing u! 2S Accountanc'1 9 Shaola 2atacandolo 9 3ien Carino 0C'rill(s co6mem#ers in -.A.G.I.G, her dance grou! since high school1 9 4larins Sandoval 9 Fa'e Alloso 9 ?amina Almandus 9 atricia Es!eridion 0C'rill(s close friends since high school, her chuchufrend, #etter!e!!er, #urstfriend and truefriend1 9 3ichelline Flores 9 3rs. Eugenia Flores 0C'rill(s cousin, aunt or mentor as $ell1
0&he 'uestions #elo$ $ill #e as+ed after the B #achelor danced, this $ill #e done through a game, !arang sto! dance ang st'le, !g!asa6!asahan !o ung red li!stic+ then !gsto! nung song, +ng cno ung huling m' ha$a+ ng li!stic+, >a ung matatanong, for seconds !g di n'a nsagot or sumagot >a
agd ng di !a ntt!os ung 'uestion, mlalag'an >a ng red li!stic+1 0&hen ung $inner !o ang illga' nmn !o s+n'a is ung slice ng orange na !rang gg$in na mouth!iece 0ss#hin na lng !o un sa huli na1 Questions:
B. Cno ang favorite teachers ni c'rill7 6dad and mom . Aside +' #e'once, ilan ang mole n'a sa mu+ha7 6J . 4ung mga +a!atid ni c'rill ang !ag6uusa!an, ano ang ta$ag n'a sa +an'ang #estfriend na #a#ae7 6#ru . Ilang taon c c'rill nung >a a' naglaga' ng turnil'o sa ilong7 6 . ung grade J si c', #+t tina$ag na sinigang na #ato ung niluto n'ang ulam7 6dahil mtigas ung #a#o' J. Grade nanalo si c' ng 3s. Intrams, anong 'ear >a grumaduate ng th 'ear high school7 6MM K. Ano ang cnsa#i lgi ni C' !g n+a+a+ita >a ng !ulis na sumusunod sa +an'a7 6mga alagad ni !a!a . &otoo o hindi, totoo #ang c c' a' nada!a66666ung tulog7
6hindi L. Ano ang mas !i!iliin ni c', mamata' sa uha$ o mamata' sa gutom7 6mamata' sa gutom BM. Ilang +u'a mron c c', +ung nging +a!atid n'a c +at' !er'7 6 BB. Sa ma!ua, ano ang gna$a ni c'rill nung ng+aron >a ng nd oDense dahil sa !agi$an n'a ng +n'ang id7 6+umanta ng ma!ua h'mn B. Ano ang tagline ng !art' ngaun ni c'7 6hot and legal B. Retro6intage ang motif ngaun ni c', ano ang middle name n'a7 6vanguardia B. Ano ang title ng +anta n'a !ra +' carlo na aso n'a7 6carlolos the #alolos -IS&RI2;&I8 8F CA-O F*8WERS E3CEE: What a ver' meaningful evening indeed for C'ril. And it #ecomes more meaningful $ith all of 'ou. So to sho$ the famil'(s gratitude of 'our !resence, the' $ill #e distri#uting a sim!le to+en ust for 'ou. What 'ou $ill #e receiving is ust a s'm#ol of her gratitude and enlightenment for 'our !resence on her Bth #irthda'. R8-;C&I8 ;32ER 0Friends1
E3CEE: C'rill is !ro#a#l' needing a #rea+ after dancing $ith the B gu's. So this time, $e $ill #e entertained #' a s!ecial num#er $hich is to #e given to us #', of course her s!ecial friends $ho too+ time and eDort to ma+e this cele#ration more meaningful and colorful. Without further ado, let us give a #ig round of a!!lause, C'ril(s dance grou! since High School/ the -AGIG) SECIA* ;32ER 8F &HE CE*E2RA& E3CEE: Sharing is one of the virtues C'rill !ossesses #ecause it is $hat her !arents taught her. &o share to us one of her talents, let us hold our #reath and %> our attention to $hat she $ill #e given to us, ladies and gentlemen, let(s $elcome 3iss C'rill Flores) &8AS& F8R A S;CCESSF;* *IFE E3CEE: Are 'ou ama5ed $ith $hat she has !erformed to us7 C'rill is reall' such a talented $oman, full of art and $onderful ideas for her self and of course for all the !eo!le $hom she trul' loved. &he $ine s'm#oli5es commitment and trium!h. C'rill is considered victorious #ecause she is a#le to reach the de#utant age and it is a great time for this +ind of cele#ration. &o toast $ith her the $ine for a long lasting victor' of her life, let us all call in the follo$ing s!ecial !ersons $ho are in one $a' or another #ecame a !art of her life through thic+ and thin, u!s and do$ns, right and $rong
and sometimes good and #ad times of life. 8nce again C'rill(s Famil' to #e $ith here for the $ine toast. 08 hai 'o1 -E2;&A&E(S SEECH E3CEE: &o oPciall' con%rm the heat and legalit' of this !art', at !ara na rin i!ali$anag ang lahat ng +agana!ang ito/ let us no$ hear the s!eech to #e given of course #' our gorgeous de#utante/ no other than/ 3s. C'rill anguardia Flores) AR&O &I3E)))